There's been plenty in the garden to enjoy, despite "The Bad" posted earlier. Below is a selection of some of the plants that have stood out this summer.

The Rudbekia "Herbstonne" has come back much stronger this year and although it's looking a touch untidy because I didn't tie it back early enough, it's still producing beautiful yellow flowers.

The Rudbekia "Herbstonne" has come back much stronger this year and although it's looking a touch untidy because I didn't tie it back early enough, it's still producing beautiful yellow flowers.

I planted the gazania that Dad brought me temporarily in a shady spot, waiting for spring when I re-jig the border, however it's kept on producing its bright red and yellow flowers throughout the summer and looks set to continue doing the same well into autumn.
My favourite addition to the garden this year is the fernery, with Fernley, the Dicksonia Antarctia standing proud over the Anthyrium nipponicum var. Pictum, hart's tongue, soft shield and lady ferns. The weather couldn't have been better for them this year - warm, wet and humid, leading to lots of healthy growth and hopefully an even stronger display next year.